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duminică, 7 septembrie 2008

Publication of call for tenders FL-TECH1 and TECH2

Dear Sir or Madam,

The European Community, represented by the Commission of the European Communities, has published 10 calls for tenders relating to translation of European Union technical documents in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJ S 168 of 30 August 2008).

The calls for tenders are divided into the following two areas:

Transport, energy, telecommunications and information technology (TECH1)
Agriculture, fisheries, environment and natural sciences (TECH2)

for each area, there are five different calls for tender covering the following language combinations:

20 EU languages into English
13 EU languages into French
5 EU languages into German
English into 20 EU languages
French into 20 EU languages

The deadline for submitting tenders is 13 October 2008

Please consult the following link for full details of the required services and further information on terms and conditions:

http://ec.europa. eu/dgs/translati on/workingwithus /freelance/ tender/index_ en.htm

All the tender documentation can be downloaded from this site.

I would be very grateful if you could spread this information amongst the interested members of your organisation.

Yours sincerely,

Klaus Ahrend
Head of Unit
European Commission
Directorate- General for Translation
External Translation

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